Private View - Video N° 1-16
Video, 360 Minuten, London, 1998


The Letter

Dear ....

I'd like to invite you to my 'private view'.
1. You decide:
a) the date and the time when the 'private view' takes place - within the given period.

b) the space where to watch/show/present the work.

c) how to set up the work (you need a vhs-vcr and a TV monitor)

d) how the 'private view' should be, if you want to invite other people/friends - people you think are interested in this work and have a party or make it your own/personal 'private view'.

2. Points for your considerations:
is it necessary to check / examine / test the work before you show it to other people? Could it be offensiveß Or could you just take the chance and show the work without previewing it.

3. The work itself:
The cassette contains film N°1-8 (3 hours, the films differ in length) of an ongoing series of films, which I started to produce in may 1997. Up to this date 16 videos were produced.

4. The network:
you are part of a network. There are 50 video cassettes on distribution at the moment. If you enjoyed watching the work and would like me to give it to your friends, send me their addresses and let them become part of the network.

5. Myself
Otto Dietrich; student in Combined Media at Chelsea Collage of Art in London; born in Germany 1970

I met you in .... (place) in .... (date)

Thanks for participation in 'private view'

Best wishes
Otto Dietrich

Letter - 2. page


Kevin Atherton - London

Marcel Bennington - New York

Kerstin Bergmann - Stuttgart

Pierre Bismuth - London

Ruth Blench - London

Heinz-Georg Boskamp - Grevenbroich

Henriette Bretton-Meyer - London

Susanne Bürner - Karlsruhe

David Cunningham - London

Andreas Dietrich - Nördlingen

Jeff Edwards - London

Valie Export - Wien

Berta Fischer - Berlin

Ceal Floyer - London

Günther Förg - Areuse

Beate Geissler - Karlsruhe

Dagmar Glausnitzer - London

Hermann Greiner - Silheim

Walter Greiner - Augsburg

Frieder Grindler - Untergroeningen

Boris Groys - Köln

Lydia Hartl - München

Nataly Hocke - Berlin

Charlie Hooker - Brighton

Rainer Joss - Würzburg

Ernst Kahl - Hamburg

Thomas Kratz - Karlsruhe

Sandra Kreidl - Roth

Christin Lahr - Berlin

David Larcher - Köln

Thomas Meyer - Öttingen

Patrizia Müller - Berlin

Annette Nagler - München

Gero Perlitz - Düsseldorf

Peyotl - Paris

Piotre - Roman Haze - Leipzig

Michael Raff - Köln

Gunter Rambow - Frankfurt

Tim o' Riley - London

Oliver Sann - Köln

Christian Schauer - Rottendorf

Corinne Söffker - München

Georgina Starr - London

Michael Steinhöfer - Nördlingen

Thomas Stelzle - Nürnberg

Niklas Svenung - New York

Anna Thew - London

Franka Überschär - Berlin

Sabine Voigt - Belzheim

Rebecca Warren - London

Chris Yetton - London

© Otto Dietrich 2018